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Rehydration designed specifically for alcohol induced dehydration
Add to cart for $35Ship monthly for $30Rehydration designed specifically for alcohol induced dehydration
Add to cart for $35Ship monthly for $30Drinking to reduce your post-drinking symptoms simply numbs the negative effects – you’re applying a bandaid by reintroducing alcohol into your system. While it may feel effective at first, this strategy only ends up prolonging the inevitable, and will likely make your headache worse.
Rather than reintroducing alcohol into your system, Cheers is more effective and neutralizes effects that simulates the “hair of the dog.” DHM, one of our main ingredients, binds to the same brain receptor alcohol binds to (the GABAa). Long story short, a major cause (if not the biggest cause) of why a person feels so poorly is GABAa rebound. By binding to the GABAa receptor, DHM reduces this rebound and thereby reduces the next-day negative effects.
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